How to Know If You Have an Overbite

All of us have unique facial features that make us who we are. This includes the color of our eyes, the position of our nose and mouth, and of course, our smiles.

While we might not think too much about it, the alignment of our upper jaw and the positioning of our teeth can also play a factor in how our face is structured. Because of this, it’s important to get regular dental checkups to make sure that our upper teeth and lower ones are in good condition and positioned correctly.

In some situations, a condition known as an overbite can happen – either at birth or later in life – that may need to be corrected by an orthodontist. Below, we’ll talk a bit more about what an overbite is, some common signs and symptoms you may have developed one, and what can be done to help treat it.

What is an Overbite?

An overbite occurs when there is a misalignment between your upper teeth and lower teeth. In most cases, most people’s upper teeth will slightly overhang the lower teeth when biting down. However, in some cases, the gap between the upper and lower teeth can be larger than 2-4 millimeters. This is when orthodontists will refer to this condition as an overbite, also known as an overjet.

How To Know If You Have One? Signs and Symptoms of an Overbite

At first, having an overbite may not seem to be a big deal – and in many cases, you may not be overly noticeable. However, over time, there may be certain signs that there is a misalignment in your upper jaw and point to needing a trip to an orthodontist sooner rather than later.

Some of the common signs and symptoms of an overbite include:

  • Ongoing Jaw Pain – Normal jaw function and alignment puts even amounts of pressure on your top and bottom teeth. However, when there is an issue with the alignment, it can start to put more stress on certain jaw joints. This jaw pain will become more pronounced when opening your mouth to chew or when yawning and usually worsens over time, creating difficulty chewing.
  • Signs of Tooth Decay – Most people develop eventually develop a cavity that needs filling. But when you have an overbite, there is a higher likelihood of experiencing rapid tooth decay due to grinding or added pressure to the surface of your teeth. This can eventually lead to severe overbite and could require tooth extraction or even corrective jaw surgery if not properly addressed.
  • Gum Disease – When you have an overbite, it can make your upper teeth overlap or lead to crowded teeth along your jawline. This makes it more difficult to remove food particles during brushing or flossing, which can be the main contributor to developing gum diseases like gingivitis.
  • Breathing Issues – Although not present in all cases of individuals with an overbite, more serious overbites can contribute to ongoing breathing issues. This is especially present when sleeping, as it can restrict nasal passages and make breathing through your nostrils more difficult.
  • Speech Challenges – Depending on the gap between the top and bottom rows of teeth, overbites can cause certain speech problems in individuals. Because of the position of the teeth, saying certain letters or words clearly can be a challenge.

Differences Between Overbite and Underbite

Both overbites and underbites are different malocclusions that affect the alignment of your jaw. In the event of an overbite, your top teeth will extend more than usual past your bottom teeth. An underbite is the same condition but in reverse. Both conditions have similar signs and symptoms and should be evaluated by a dentist or orthodontist to discuss possible treatment solutions.

What Causes an Overbite?

An overbite may not exist at first and can develop over time. In other cases, the condition could be present at birth and will be easy to diagnose on your first dental checkup. Below are some of the common causes of developing an overbite:

Inherited Traits

Your genetics will have a good bearing on whether or not you’re born with or develop an overbite. Even minor misalignments in your jaw can worsen over time and become more pronounced the older you get.

Biting Your Nails

Excessive biting of your nails can put too much pressure on your top and bottom teeth and cause an overbite. This happens when constant pressure on your upper front teeth starts to gradually shift your jawline forward and increase the gap between teeth.

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is a common symptom of certain sleep conditions like apnea. In these situations, individuals unknowingly will grind their teeth excessively while they sleep. When untreated, these conditions can increase tooth decay while also adding too much pressure to the top and bottom jawline and leading to misaligned teeth.

Thumb Sucking

When children suck their thumbs for an extended period of time or are overly dependent on using a pacifier, it can lead to an overbite to developing. The thumb sucking puts increased pressure on the upper and bottom teeth and can eventually cause misalignments in the jaw from occurring.

How is an Overbite Treated?

How Is An Overbite Treated?

Once an overbite is identified, the types of treatment recommended will depend on a variety of factors, including age, severity of the overbite, and any other pre-existing conditions. Below are some of the potential overbite treatment options and who they’re most intended for:

Palate Expanders

When children are diagnosed with having an overbite, palate expanders can be used to help gradually make improvements in jaw alignment. These appliances work by widening the upper jaw while creating more space for upper front teeth to grow in the correct position. Typically, a palate expander will be worn for several months and may require periodic adjustments from an orthodontist.


In many cases, braces may be the recommended treatment option for both children and adults for overbites. Braces will encourage gradual adjustments in both the vertical and horizontal alignment of upper teeth and lower teeth while lessening the gap between both. While traditional braces may be metal or ceramic, there are also transparent options to help provide the same treatment while being less noticeable.

Invisalign Aligners

Invisalign aligners are clear trays used to replace traditional braces to help support various dental imperfections. Each aligner is custom-molded to the individual and is usually a recommended option for mild and moderate overbites. Unlike braces, aligners are removable and typically have less discomfort. However, these solutions will require more user compliance to get the intended benefits.


Retainers are alignment devices usually used after an Invisalign treatment or when wearing braces to help maintain the new jaw alignment. While most retainers won’t need to be worn indefinitely, the length of time they’ll be used will depend on each individual and the instructions of an orthodontist.

Kunik Orthodontics in Austin, Texas

Medical and dental procedures always seem a little confusing and hard to navigate. We wanted to get to bottom of this with Dr. Kunik.

We had lots of questions for Dr. Kunik who has been perfecting the art of orthodontics for over 30 years. Patients commonly ask about pricing, retainers, Invisalign, and braces. We asked those questions but also the hard-hitting questions about why patients should come to his office and what does he do that differentiates his office from all the others.

Commonly Asked Questions from patients

Do you charge more for Invisalign than braces?

Dr Kunik: “I see Invisalign and braces as tools for orthodontics. At the initial exam we customize a plan for each patient and decide which tool will work best to achieve the goal. Occasionally both tools are needed. Treatment fees are based on difficultly of case, length of case, and required case management and not the tool needed to achieve the goal.”

Do you charge for broken brackets or emergency appointments?

Dr Kunik: “No. Broken brackets happen, and it could be a weak bond to the tooth or something the patient eats but no. It is best to add the bracket back on so we can move forward with treatment.”

What is included when I decide to go to Kunik Orthodontics for my treatment?

Dr. Kunik: “At the initial exam, Beth will review everything included in treatment. Typically, each case includes Dental Monitoring, Invisalign or braces, and 2 sets of retainers at the end. In some cases we require more in office appointments, in this case we prefer to see you in the rather than virtual appointments through Dental Monitoring.”

Do you do veneers or crowns in your office? Are they included in treatment?

Dr. Kunik: “We stick to what we know which is orthodontics. We do not do veneers, cleanings, crowns, fillings, or any general dental work in our office. We can refer you to a great cosmetic dentist if you do not currently have one.”

Hard Hitting Questions

Why aren’t your prices listed on your website?

Dr Kunik: “There are many variables with fees, so we don’t list them on the website. It would be hard for people reviewing the website to diagnose their bite and figure out their fee. The fees vary depending on an individual’s goals, case management requirements, case complication, and treatment length.”

Why should people choose you for their orthodontist?

Dr Kunik: “My treatment plans and my staff. My job is to set up the proper treatment plan and customize it for each patient and to make sure the goals we set are achieved. It is also my job to train the best staff. My #1 goal in my office is to have employees that care. I hire and keep exceptional people that are caring and incredibly knowledgeable. I train mini-orthodontists. From day one my philosophy has always been that the patients pay their checks and not me.”

Why do you use Dental Monitoring?

Dr. Kunik: “Dental Monitoring is great for virtual appointments, and I am able to keep a close eye on all my patients. It’s biggest benefit is communication. My patients can message with any question and get an answer rather quickly, and I can use the scans to communicate with their dentist, periodontist, or surgeon. It is an incredible tool for evolving and looking forward to the future of orthodontics.”

What are the hidden costs (for patients) in your office?

Dr. Kunik: “The initial fee we give includes your treatment for the prescribed months, Dental Monitoring, in office visits or virtual appointments, and 2 sets of retainers.  There can be other fees due to missing several appointments, noncompliance, lost retainers, teeth shifting due to not wearing retainers. I do my best to be reasonable and fair when these things happen. I offer a discounted retreatment fee and I offer several options when noncompliance becomes an issue. We do have to charge for these occurrences since our office also incurs additional costs.”

Fun Questions

How many kids do you have?

Dr. Kunik: “I have 6 kids. My oldest is 28, then I have triplets that are 26, and twins that are 13.”

What is your favorite food?

Dr. Kunik: “Spring rolls with peanut sauce”

What do you order at Starbucks?

Dr. Kunik “Simple and easy, just a soy latte.”

Do you have any pets? And can we see a photo?

Dr. Kunik “Yes I have 2 mini goldendoodles and they are my babies.”

Dr. Kunik is ready to meet you and answer any questions you have about orthodontics or his favorite color. Come meet Dr. Kunik and his staff